OpenMarkov users

OpenMarkov is open software. You can download the code and compile it, as explained in the wiki, but it is not trivial. So, unless you have Java skills and need to modify the code, we recommend that you use the compiled version that we offer here. It includes a plug-in for sensitivity analysis that is free but not open-source.

Download and start OpenMarkov

Download this Java file (~25 MB) on your computer and start OpenMarkov by double-clicking on it. No installation is required.

If it does not open, you need to install Java 8 or a more recent version. We recommend OpenJDK 11 HotSpot.

There is a trick for opening networks more easily with OpenMarkov by double-clicking on them.

Additional information

The page of references contains a tutorial and other documents about OpenMarkov.


If you need any help, write to:

Remember that OpenMarkov is not a commercial program, but a research prototype. If you detect any bug, please report it in our issue tracker giving us enough information to replicate it. We will do our best to fix it, but given the scarcity of human resources in our group, we cannot promise to do it in a reasonable time.